
Documentation Status and Psychological Distress Among New York City Community College Students

This research study examined how psychological distress, self-esteem, and academic perfor-mance differ across at-risk, temporary, and stable immigration statuses and whether fear of one’s owndeportation and that of family members is associated with psychological distress. Method: We surveyed150 community college students (51% female; M age22.7, SDage2.4) with 3 types of immigrationstatuses: stable (citizen), temporary (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals [DACA]

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Building a Therapeutic Alliance with a Dreamer: Trials and Tribulations of an Undocumented Immigrant

This is not a love story. This is a story that talks about sensitivity, vulnerability and understanding of being with someone who is or was once undocumented. The life of undocumented immigrants who grew up in the United States, also known as the 1.5 generation, can be very difficult and confusing.As a mental health practitioner and researcher, I

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